Monday, October 6, 2014

Hey everyone!
This week has been great! I'm really getting the hang of things. There is still so much that I need to learn but I love being able to serve out here.
Tuesday was a pretty eventful day! It started off with Elder Taylor and I locking ourselves out of our apartment. When we went to work out in the morning we forgot to grab our keys and apparently you need those to get back in your apartment! So we decided to break in. So we walked around back and decided to break in through our patio door. I climbed on Elder Taylor's shoulders I could barely reach the patio so using my crazy upper body strength I pulled myself up and we got in through the back door haha. We locked ourselves out again later on in the week but some nice guy let us in through his apartment. Obviously I haven't changed much since I left haha.
But later on in the day we were walking around visiting people and it started to rain on us. Elder Taylor had an umbrella but I got soaked. We were in a part of town with a bunch of gangsta type people and we were trying to talk to them and I was getting frustrated because I felt we were just wasting our time because no one was interested in what we had to say. But after being out for a couple of hours when we got back to our truck, the person we had try to visit earlier was standing outside. We were able to talk to her and she said that the missionaries always show up when she needs it most. We talked for a while and we invited her to conference and she said to call and visit her again sometime. If we hadn't been walking around in the rain earlier we would have missed seeing her. I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and that if we are doing what we are suppose to, he will bless us.. a lot!!
Later on that day we visited this guy named Dan. He has had so many challenges in his life because of his choices. His life is better now and he just talked to us about everything. Afterwards he told us how impressed he was with us for being able to just listen to him and that he was so impressed that we were just 18 and 20 years old. He said he could tell there was something different about us. The spirit was strong there and we just testified of Heavenly Father's love for him. He invited us back and gave us these way sweet Steeler's hoodies.
On Wednesday we visited an older lady in the ward. She was having phone troubles so she asked me to call customer service and try to figure it out for her. So for the next our I talked to an Indian guy on the phone and didn't understand anything he was saying. Elder Taylor and the lady were just laughing at me because I couldn't understand anything they were saying. I say "what" at least a million times. But afterwards she told us of this guy in the apartment building next to us who was interested in the church. She had no idea where his apartment was. So we decided to knock on doors until we found him. We went to the 2nd floor in the building and the first door we knocked on was his. That was such a miracle as well. Heavenly Father is seriously blessing us so much out here. I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for him.
So for conference I say you mom and dad! It was so weird but I couldnt stop smiling for the rest of the day. I am glad that I was able to see you and I bunch of other people I knew in it.
We also had one of our investigators show up to one session of conference.We invited 50 people and two came! it was so worth it. Our investigator named Marlon really liked what he heard and he stayed around and talked a while after as well. We also had a less active person we have become really good friends with ask for work off so he could come.
The work is amazing out here and I love it so much. I love this Gospel. It brings so much peace in my life and being able to share that peace with others is the best thing there is. Jesus Christ is our Savior and he lives. Through him we can change ourselves and become who God meant for us to be. I love you all.

Elder May


Me and Elder Tripp at the MTC

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