Monday, October 20, 2014

This week has been such an amazing week! Pday was awesome last monday! All the missionaries close by come to the church and we play volleyball and a bunch of other games. Afterwards I accidentally took the wrong phone.... So when we got to our dinner appointment that was like 30 min away I realized that I had taken the wrong phone... so that was fun trying to figure out who had who's phone and meet up somewhere to swap them back.
On Tuesday we visited a family and the wife was from utah and the husband was from pittsburgh. He was making fun of her about growing up in a small town and so I told him about our neighborhood and what it was like. He thought it was so funny that we had to chase pigs and goats and donkeys out of our yard. He couldnt stop laughing. But they are an awesome family! We had an amazing lesson on prayer and they want us to come back and keep teaching them. I have learned that if you act like normal people and actually talk to them before you try to teach them, they are so much more receptive to what you are teaching. They said that is what we needed at that time. I love being able to meet all of these amazing people out here. I definitely know that I was sent here for a reason.
On Wednesday, we taught Marlon again! He is really coming a long and he is so humble. When he prays he never prays for himself. He always prays for his family and Elder Taylor and I. He is such a sincere person and I love being able to talk to him and to teach him. During the lesson though his mom came outside and started to get mad at us because I guess she thought we had ebolla or something because we talk to a lot of people. We reassured her that we didn't and she was good after that. I guess this ebolla thing is a big deal or something.
Later that night we were able to teach Billy. He is less active and has been through a lot. When we first went to teach him he was very certain that he would never come back to church. But we just talk to him and are his friend and his heart has been softening. He says he thinks about coming to church now. I love being able to teach him because the spirit is so strong everytime. We testified that the Atonement of Jesus Christ will heal all wounds if we turn to him. It was a great experience.
On thursday we taught this Japanese guy named Jim. The first time we went there he talked a lot so we decided to read the scriptures with him. We read 2 Nephi 31 and he loved how plainly everything was taught. We testified of baptism and then he asked him to be baptized and he accepted. He knew that is what he needed to do to follow Jesus Christ. I love how powerful the scriptures are! There is no way Elder Taylor and I could have taught it that powerful or that simple. The Book of Mormon is the mos powerful tool that we have. It is my favorite book that I have ever read. I took it for granted before my mission but I have changed so much through that book.
We had a miracle happen to us on Friday. In one of our areas, Mckee's Rock's, we didn't have anything going on there. So Elder Taylor and I prayed that when we went there on Friday, we could find a new investigator. I have been reading in Alma right now and it talks so much about how miracles are performed through faith. So I decided to exercise my faith and go out and do all we could to find a new investigator and we would be blessed with one.
So while we were out there we got a prompting to visit this house of these people we helped move in about a month ago. We went to the house and there son answered the door. He recognized us and we talked for a while and just got to know him. After a while HE asked US what we believed in and what we taught. So he pretty much started the lesson and was super receptive to the whole thing! When we talked about the first vision the spirit was super strong. When we started talking about the Book of Mormon he said that he was constantly praying to know how to grow closer to Jesus Christ and that the Book of Mormon might do that for him. He said that he would pray about because he wanted to know what we were saying was true. We didnt do anything, he was prepared to hear what we had to teach. I can't describe how much of a testimony builder that was for me. God answered our prayers. I know without a doubt that when we pray he is there listening to our prayers.
On Sunday Marlon came to church. He loved it there and the members really made him feel welcome. After church we got about 5 bags full of groceries and from members. Apparently people are announcing in all of our meetings to help feed the missionaries. In Elder's quorum it was announced that we only new how to make waffles and cereal. So I dont know what stories are going around about us. But i'm not complaining! Free Food haha.
In the Book of Mormon I have been reading about Ammon and his missionary work among the Nephites. I love how before he does anything he tells king Lamoni I want to be your servant. Ammon is such a great example to me. He is obedient to everything that he is commanded to do and you can see the love he has for those that he teaches. I want to invite you all to look for opportunities you have to serve others. You will feel God's love he has for those people and you will feel a peace that you can't receive from anything else.
Well I better go, I need to go beat Elder Taylor's butt in tennis before it rains. I love you all.
Elder May

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