Monday, October 27, 2014

Hey everyone!
I can't believe that it is already the last week of transfers! It has been going by so fast out here! This week has been such an amazing week!
On Tuesday Elder Taylor and I hadn't been able to talk with anyone all day. No one was home. So we prayed that we would be able to find someone that the Lord wanted us to meet! We got out of the car and we started walking to the next person we were going to visit. But the thing was that I had remembered the address wrong so we were walking around looking for a place that didn't even exist. But as were walking around a lady came up and started talking about how she thought that it was so cool to see people walking around representing Jesus Christ. We talked to her about Christ for a bit and his atonement and what it meant to each of us. As we were talking to her she started crying and she said that she was going through some hard time and that she prayed that she could have help and find someone to talk to! She said that she knew we were the answer to her prayers. As we were talking to her another lady walked by and asked if we were talking about Jesus. We said that we were so she was like "Well I want to join!" So we had a mini testimony meeting right there! It was the coolest experience! We were all standing out in the rain talking about Jesus Christ. The spirit was so strong there! It was such a testimony builder to me to know that Heavenly Father not only answers my prayers, but all of his children's prayers.
We had exchanges this week and I was pretty nervous because I would be the one in charge of our area! But I prayed for the strength to do it and it ended up being an amazing experience! I learned that It is not about what I can or can't do, that doesn't matter at all because the Lord can do ALL things! I was able to go out and have confidence and I loved the experience.
For our ward Halloween Party Elder Taylor and I invited everyone we meat with. We called the Lady we talked to in the rain and she came with her four kids. We also invited Al and he came with his 2 kids!! It was so awesome having the two families there. The ward was so nice to them and really made them feel welcome! Al and Bro Matson challenged us to a 2 on 2 game some time! He was talking some major trash on Elder Taylor and I haha. It was pretty funny! We are good friends with Al and he has been taught by Missionaries in the past and he said that we were definitely his missionaries! That was really cool!
I just want to let you all know how much I love this work! I was reading in Alma 37 and verse 45 really hit me today! I invite you all to read it! It talks about the Liahona but then it says that the words of Christ can guide us to a far better promised land. I know that to be true! Being out here has really strengthened my testimony on how this church brings us happiness. I am so grateful for it and i love getting to share this wonderful news to everyone. This is the Christ's church and because of him we all can hope in this life! I love you all!
Elder May

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